Qualcomm has unveiled its latest premium tier chipset for mobile devices, the Snapdragon 835. The 64-bit chipset is the first to be manufactured using a 10nm process, leading to extreme power efficiency versus older chips – it is 50% more power efficient than the Snapdragon 801.
The Snapdragon 835 is 35 per cent smaller than its predecessor, the Snapdragon 820, consumes 25 per cent less power and 25 per cent faster 3D graphics. The chipset comes armed with a X16 LTE modem and interestingly it is the first to support Windows 10 plus Win32 apps. Devices shipping with this latest chip are expected to ship from the first half of 2017. There’s a good chance that this will include the next generation Xperia flagship. You can read more about the Snapdragon 835 at the source links below.