Sony G3312 is certified in Russia; could come to market as “Xperia L1”

by XB on 19th March 2017

in Rumours, Xperia L series

Sony Mobile may have a budget model on the horizon, according to a certification found on Russia’s Federal Service for Accreditation (RusAccreditation). According to the site, the Sony G3312 smartphone has passed through, along with the marketing name “Xperia L1”.

The Xperia L name only found its way to one Sony smartphone back in 2013, so Sony may be looking to update it with a 2017 version. If you’re asking us, why? Well we have no idea, it certainly seems strange to bring it back out of the blue, especially since the Xperia E series has denoted Sony’s budget range over the last few years. If anything comes from this, we will keep you posted.

Via RusAccreditation [via].

Thanks Diogo, ev210, KF, LaOlTomsk, Michael and Moisés!

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