Xperia XZ and X Performance gets June 2017 security update (41.2.A.7.8)

by XB on 12th June 2017

in Firmware, Xperia X series, Xperia XZ series

Sony Mobile has released a new firmware update for the Xperia XZ and X Performance, which updates the build number to version 41.2.A.7.8. The main change with this newest update is the introduction of the 1 June 2017 Android security patch (all details regarding the vulnerabilities fixed can be found here). No other changes have been noted so far. We will include FTF firmware files for all variants shortly.

Update: This same build is also live for the Xperia XZs (Thanks razorg!)

FTF firmware files for Xperia XZ and X Performance – Android 7.1.1 Nougat

Xperia XZ (F8331) 41.2.A.7.8 Russia Generic
Xperia XZ Dual (F8332) 41.2.A.7.8 India Generic

Xperia X Performance (F8131) 41.2.A.7.8 Latin America Generic
Xperia X Performance Dual (F8132) 41.2.A.7.8 Russia Generic

Thanks Heung, Jozef, Rohan, Vishwa and Walaspancha!

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