Japan Display Inc (JDI) – formed through the consolidation of Sony, Hitachi and Toshiba’s display panel businesses – has announced a move into the sensor segment, through the development of a transparent glass-based capacitive fingerprint sensor.
JDI says that these new glass-based sensors will be able to replace the silicon-based fingerprint sensors currently found in smartphones. Smartphones with under-glass fingerprint sensors are already starting to emerge (Vivo got there first), so with this announcement we can expect further developments. JDI says that their solution will shop commercially this fiscal year (ending March 2019).
JDI says its new glass-based capacitive fingerprint sensor works by integrating its Pixel Eyes touch functionality into the glass substrate by detecting the changes in capacitance that occur when a finger touches the LCD surface. JDI says it has been successful enough to detect the changes in capacitance caused by the recesses and ridges of an individual’s fingerprints.
Would you like to see this adopted into future Xperia smartphones? Let us know in the comments below.