Xperia PLAY touchpad support coming to N64oid after Android ICS update

by XB on 22nd November 2011

in Games, Xperia PLAY

The N64oid emulator is one of the most-loved given the sheer quality of the N64 games back catalogue. One feature many users have requested is touchpad support. This would use the left circle pad as the analogue stick and the right circle pad as the C buttons.

Well there is some hope on this front after developer yongzh said that he will be including support. “I’ll add touchpad support after Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich is out, because it will be a lot easier,” said yongzh in a forum post. However, this comment was made at the beginning of October and there’s been no word since. Let’s hope it’s still on the to-do list.

Via Pocket Gamer.

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