Xperia Z sample photos against last year’s flagship Xperia S

by XB on 27th February 2013

in Imaging, Xperia S, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

If you want to get an idea on how the Sony Xperia Z’s optics have advanced over the past year, then check out the camera shootout below. It pits the Xperia Z against last year’s Sony flagship, the Xperia S. The photos were taken using the automatic mode on both devices.

It is quite clear to see that the Xperia Z produces the sharper pictures and ones with less noise. However, we’ll leave you to judge whether the difference is a step-change one or not. We have included the crop comparisons below, but head over to Dawid Lorenz’s blog (link below) for the full-size sample images from each phone.

Photo sample crops: Xperia S (left) versus Xperia Z (right)

[Click to enlarge]


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