Orange France pushes out a new Xperia Z update (10.3.1.A.1.10)

by XB on 19th August 2013

in Firmware, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

Xperia Z_10.3.1.A.1.10_3Orange France has released a new firmware update for the Sony Xperia Z (C6603). The new update, in the form of build version 10.3.1.A.1.10, doesn’t appear to offer any notable improvements over the previous firmware build (10.3.1.A.0.244).

The big disadvantage to this carrier-optimised firmware is the amount of bloatware that it carries (see one of the pictures below which shows what cannot be uninstalled). However, if you do want to download it you’ll be glad to hear most apps can be disabled through Settings > Applications. It also means you get the Orange boot animation. However, there is a nice new exclusive wallpaper, although you can always download it here (Thanks Ambroos!)

Xperia Z_10.3.1.A.1.10_2

Xperia Z_10.3.1.A.1.10_3

Xperia Z_10.3.1.A.1.10_4

Xperia Z_10.3.1.A.1.10_5

Xperia Z_10.3.1.A.1.10_1

Via xda-developers.

Thanks Anurag!

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