The upcoming Sony Xperia T3 sports a 8MP Exmor RS camera, like most of Sony’s mid-range smartphones. If you are wondering how well it takes pictures, then check out some sample pictures below. They show some shots taken at 5.4MP using Superior Auto and one low-light picture at 8MP in manual mode.
The Sony Xperia T3 has a stainless steel frame and measures just 7mm in thickness. Specs include a 5.3-inch 720p handset with IPS display, 1.4GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, 8GB storage, 1.1MP front-facing camera and 2500mAh sealed battery.
Xperia T3 camera samples
– Click to enlarge
Samples at 5.4MP resolution (3104 x 1746) – Superior Auto mode
Sample at 8.0MP resolution (3264 x 2448) – Manual mode
Via Digi-wo.