The Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware update for the Sony Xperia E1 Dual has been certified by the PTCRB. KitKat will arrive on the handset in the form of build number 20.1.B.0.60 for the D2104 and D2105 variants. The DTV variant (D2114) will see KitKat with model number 20.1.B.0.61.
Sony said that the Android KitKat update for the Xperia E1 and E1 Dual will start to roll from July 2014, so we hope to see the rollout begin shortly. KitKat has not been certified for the single SIM Xperia E1 just yet, but it shouldn’t be far behind. The update is expected to bring apps to SD card, as seen in the recent KitKat Xperia T2 Ultra firmware.