New Android 4.4.4 firmware (23.0.1.A.3.9) certified for Xperia Z2 series

by XB on 1st November 2014

in Firmware, Sony Tablet, Xperia Z2

Xperia Z2_23.0.1.A.3.9A new firmware version with build number 23.0.1.A.3.9 has been certified by the PTCRB for the Xperia Z2 and Xperia Z2 Tablet. Sony Xperia Z2 owners have been patiently waiting for the Android 4.4.4 KitKat release – this new software marks the second certification of Android 4.4.4 firmware for these devices.

The first certification with build number 23.0.1.A.0.167 has not been released so far. What we don’t know at this stage is whether the ‘167’ firmware is still destined to roll or whether this new update supersedes it. We’ll keep you updated.

Xperia Z2 build number 23.0.1.A.3.9 certified for D6503 variant

Xperia Z2_23.0.1.A.3.9

Xperia Z2 Tablet build number 23.0.1.A.3.9 certified for SGP521 variant

Xperia Z2 Tablet_23.0.1.A.3.9

Thanks dkionline and @MuhammadNajmi96!

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