Movie Creator update (2.2.A.0.8) brings manual creation

by XB on 27th November 2014

in Applications

Movie Creator 2.2.A.0.8_3The Sony Movie Creator app has received an update that moves the build number from version 2.1.A.0.7 to 2.2.A.0.8. The 8.7 MB update allows you to manually create your own movie highlight – simply hit the “Create” button in the “Coming soon” page. Sony says that you also have access to more music on the cloud but we’re not sure what this means in practice. The update should be rolling to Sony Xperia phones right now, or you can download from the link below.

DOWNLOAD: Movie Creator (2.2.A.0.8)

Movie Creator 2.2.A.0.8_1 Movie Creator 2.2.A.0.8_2

Movie Creator 2.2.A.0.8_3 Movie Creator 2.2.A.0.8_4

Movie Creator 2.2.A.0.8_5

Thanks to all that sent this in!

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