Sony Mobile has updated the Xperia XA and Xperia XA Ultra with new firmware updates that adds the 5 August 2017 security patches. There is no change to Android version, so both handsets remain on Android 7.0 Nougat. The Xperia XA moves from build number 33.3.A.0.131 to version 33.3.A.1.97, while Xperia XA Ultra moves from build number 36.1.A.0.182 to version 36.1.A.1.86. If you have downloaded the update, let us know your impressions in the comments below.
DOWNLOAD FTF firmware files (33.3.A.1.97) for Xperia XA – Android 7.0 Nougat
Xperia XA (F3111) 33.3.A.1.97 France Generic
Xperia XA (F3113) 33.3.A.1.97 US Generic
Xperia XA (F3115) 33.3.A.1.97 Philippines GenericXperia XA Dual (F3112) 33.3.A.1.97 Middle East and Africa Generic
Xperia XA Dual (F3116) 33.3.A.1.97 Thailand Generic
DOWNLOAD FTF firmware files (36.1.A.1.86) for Xperia XA Ultra – Android 7.0 Nougat
Xperia XA Ultra (F3211) 36.1.A.1.86 Central Europe 1 Generic
Xperia XA Ultra (F3213) 36.1.A.1.86 Latin America Generic
Xperia XA Ultra (F3215) 36.1.A.1.86 Australia GenericXperia XA Ultra Dual (F3212) 36.1.A.1.86 Russia Generic
Xperia XA Ultra Dual (F3216) 36.1.A.1.86 Vietam Generic
Thanks Salik, SonyXperiAilesi and walaspancha!