Skype video calling hits Xperia neo and Xperia pro

by XB on 30th June 2011

in Applications, Videos, Xperia Neo, Xperia Pro

Skype for NeoSkype has updated its Android app to version 2.0 that now enables 2-way video calling over 3G and Wi-Fi (recommended). The UI has also been redesigned including a new main menu that allows you to easily access your contacts and make calls. The latest version of Skype is available in the Android market right now, or you can scan the QR code below.

Only four Android handsets are currently supported including two Xperia handsets (Neo and Pro), the others being the Google Nexus S and HTC Desire S. However, it is expected to roll out to other Android 2.3 (a prerequisite) handsets “very soon”. How we wish the Xperia arc had a front-facing camera, let’s hope this feature is not omitted from the next SE flagship.


Skype QR code

Via Skype Blog.

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