Now we must have missed this a month back, but developers Dancing Pixel Studios released an app onto the Android Market called Sixaxis Controller. The app allows you to control your Android phone using the Playstation 3 controller.
To do this your handset needs to be rooted and you need to manually pair the controller on your PC first via a USB cable. Once done you can then enjoy the benefits of playing some classic games, either through the Android Market or via an emulator, using the Sixaxis controller.
The app costs $1.69 (£1.03) on the Android Market, but you should download the free compatibility checker first to make sure it will work on your handset (if you want to try it on anything other than the Xperia PLAY).
Now we’re not really sure the Xperia PLAY benefits too much from this since it has no HDMI so it’s not as if you can enjoy some big-screen gaming action from the comfort of your sofa. Also, the bigger issue is that, well the Xperia PLAY already has a joypad which kind of negates the need for controller access. Despite this, check out a couple of videos below showing this working on a Xperia PLAY. Personally, we’d find much more use for this on a Xperia arc or Xperia neo.