First screenshot of Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean for Xperia Z

by XB on 19th February 2013

in Android, Firmware, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

What you can see below is the first screenshot of the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update for the Sony Xperia Z (C6603). It was sent to us by an anonymous tipster with some of the baseband and kernel details understandably masked. It shows us that the Android 4.2.2 JB update will have firmware version 11.1.A.1.450. However, we are told this is a beta version, so expect the firmware version number to be in the form of 11.1.A.X.XXX by the time it is released.

It uses a new 3.6 kernel, compared to 3.4 kernel of the old Android 4.1.2 firmware. Best of all, we are told that the official release for this Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean firmware will take place at the end of March in Europe. Obviously none of this is official information so take it with a pinch of salt, but if Sony does manage to upgrade the Xperia Z a month after release many customers will be very happy indeed.

Thanks AnoX!

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