Sony Mobile attracts ex-Samsung owners to drive UK market share

by XB on 1st July 2013

in News

growth_1Sony’s Xperia Z handset has helped it to drive market share in the UK and now sits as the fourth largest handset manufacturer in the region. Research house Kantar Worldpanel ComTech has reported its latest smartphone sales data for the three months to May 2013, which revealed the findings. According to the report, “38% of Xperia’s users are ex-Samsung owners, the majority of whom have upgraded from the Galaxy S2”.

However, Sony still has a long way to go if it wants to challenge Samsung. Kantar reports that nearly half of smartphones sold in Europe are a Samsung. Android is dominant across Europe, holding a 70.4% share across the five major European markets (Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain), up from 61.3% a year ago.

This news correlates with IDC’s recent European Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, which reported sales for Q1 2013. Within the smartphone segment, Sony sits at number three behind Samsung and Apple with 3.2 million units shipped, representing a 100% year-on-year increase in market share.

IDC Sony market share

Via IDC and Kantar World Panel.

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