Leaked Xperia Z screenshot confirms Android 4.4.4 is on the way

by XB on 27th August 2014

in Firmware, Sony Tablet, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR

Xperia Z firmware_10.5.1.A.0.283We recently speculated whether the recently certified firmware build number 10.5.1.A.0.283 for the older Xperia Z series would bring Android 4.4.4 KitKat. Well judging by the leaked screenshot below it appears to be true. It shows the Xperia Z (C6603) handset running Android 4.4.4 via build number 10.5.1.A.0.283. The update is expected to land on the Xperia Z, ZL, ZR and Tablet Z. We’ll bring you news once it starts to roll.

Xperia Z firmware_10.5.1.A.0.283

Via Sony Mobile Talk Forums.

Thanks Ben!

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