Sony launches “Xperia Transfer Mobile” app for Windows Phones

by XB on 14th October 2014

in Applications

Xperia TransferSony Mobile wants to make it as easy as possible for owners of smartphones from other Android manufacturers or different OS’ to switch to an Xperia device. To that end, Sony has recently released a dedicated “Xperia Transfer Mobile” app on the Windows Phone Store to help those on the platform to migrate to an Android-equipped Xperia handset.

The app will help you to transfer contacts, message, calendar and media to a new Sony Xperia. Sony already provides methods to transfer from an iPhone or Blackberry. There were a number of rumours earlier in the year that Sony was planning to launch its own Windows Phone device, but with no news in the last few months it looks like those plans are dead in the water, at least for now.

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Via WP Central.

Thanks difwwh!

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