Malmö FF football team Xperia Theme released by Sony

by XB on 20th November 2015

in Applications

Malm_FF_Xperia_Theme_1_Sony Mobile has gone local for its latest Xperia Theme, basing it around the Malmö FF (Malmö Fotbollförening) Swedish football team. Malmö is a short distance away from Lund, where a part of Sony Mobile’s global offices are based. For those don’t know, Malmö FF is one of the most successful football teams in Sweden in terms of trophies. If you’d like to adorn your Xperia device with the colours and logos of Malmö FF then head over to the Google Play Store.


Malm_FF_Xperia_Theme_3_ Malm_FF_Xperia_Theme_4_


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