Sony Mobile has finally unveiled the Xperia XZ2 Premium. It was due to be announced at MWC earlier in the year, but was held back for some reason. The device arrives with a 5.8-inch 4K HDR display and is the first Xperia device that comes equipped with dual cameras on the rear.
Sony says the camera has the world’s highest ISO sensitivity video recording in a smartphone with ISO 12,800 for video and an astonishing ISO 51,200 for photos with bright live view-finder. One of the camera sensors will shoot colour and the other will be black and white.
The front camera has a 13MP snapper. Other features include 6GB RAM and a 3,540mAh battery capacity. The Xperia XZ2 Premium will be available globally from Summer 2018 and will ship with Android 8.0 Oreo.
Via Sony Mobile Blog.
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