Xperia sola now on German pre-order for €259

by XB on 19th March 2012

in Xperia sola

The Sony Xperia sola has some brand new gadgetry inside it in the form of floating touch technology. The handset was due to sit in the middle of the Xperia P and Xperia U in terms of pricing, however our quick search online suggests that the Xperia sola will be closer to the Xperia U.

German retailer currently has the red version of the Xperia sola on pre-order for €259 (£215) excluding postage. This is cheaper than the price suggested by Sony Mobile France, who said it will retail for €329. Cyberport ships throughout Europe so if you like the look of this handset you may want to pre-order now.

Xperia sola now on German pre-order for €259

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