Sony Mobile Malaysia has announced pricing and launch dates for the new range of Xperia handsets – the Xperia P, Xperia U and Xperia sola. The Xperia U will launch on 15 May and will cost RM899 (€226). For a limited time it will also come with a car charger thrown in free of charge. The handset will be available in black with either a pink or white cap and in white with a pink cap. Not as generous as what the Russians are getting.
The Xperia sola will launch on the same day as the Xperia U and will retail for RM999 (€252). It will also be bundled with a car charger and two SmartTags. The Xperia P will hit stores from 23 May and will cost RM1,499 (€378). It will come with a Smart Headset, car charger and two SmartTags whilst stocks last.
Via Soyacincau.