Sony signs deal to bring Unity game engine to PS4, PS3, PS Vita and PS Mobile

by XB on 22nd March 2013

in Games

SonyUnitySony has announced a strategic partnership with Unity Technologies that will bring its game engine to all of Sony’s PlayStation platforms including the PS4, PS3, PS Vita and PlayStation Mobile (PSM) as well as a future cloud gaming service. What this means for developers is that Unity’s tools will available for devs to use across all platforms to easily port games without rewriting code from scratch. For those that don’t know, Unity is one of the most widely used game engines in game development.

Unity says that games developed for iOS and Android can easily be ported to PSM without the need for extensive re-coding. Developers interested in creating games for PSM will not need an additional PlayStation Mobile SDK as Unity for PlayStation uses the .NET framework allowing for easy transition between the two tools. Unity says that work has already started on the development tools, albeit at an early stage, and are expected to be released later this year.

Thanks Dany!

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