Xperia Z1 Compact magnetic connector is same size as Xperia Z1 and Z Ultra

by XB on 13th January 2014

in Accessories, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z1

Xperia Z1 f magnetic connector_1Treat this as confirmation that the magnetic connector found in the Xperia Z1 Compact will be the same size as that found in the Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z Ultra. The picture below shows the magnetic cable fitted onto the Japanese version of the Xperia Z1 Compact (Xperia Z1 f) .

We didn’t have any reason to believe otherwise, but it’s always best to confirm, especially as the Xperia Z1 Compact has a smaller form factor than the Z1/Z Ultra. This means if you own the magnetic dock for the Xperia Z1 or Xperia Z Ultra, the cable will work for the Z1 Compact too. Hopefully, this magnetic connector will become a standard in Xperia phones, at least in the absence of Qi wireless charging. Now we just wished Sony would sell the official magnetic cable separately.

Xperia Z1 f magnetic connector_2

Xperia Z1 f magnetic connector_1

Via @X_p_e_r_i_a.

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