Xperia SP update (12.1.A.1.192) approved by French carrier SFR; says it will be out today

by XB on 21st March 2014

in Firmware, Xperia SP

Xperia SPJust a quick heads-up for Xperia SP owners to let you know that French carrier, SFR, has approved the bug-fixing Android 4.3 firmware update that was certified last month. SFR says that firmware build 12.1.A.1.192 should be available from today, however given that nothing has arrived thus far, we assume that’s a bit optimistic.

SFR says the update brings improved performance and stability; UI optimisations and updates to Sony’s media apps. We’re somewhat sceptical that we’ll see this anytime soon, but if it does start to roll we’ll let you know.

Thanks Levered!

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