Google details new Android Wear 5.1 features for SmartWatch 3

by XB on 21st April 2015

in Accessories, Android, Firmware

SW3 Android Wear

Google and Sony has outlined some neat new features for an upcoming Android Wear 5.1 update. One of the big updates is Wi-Fi support for the SmartWatch 3, this means the watch will be able to carry on getting notifications, even if it is not connected to your phone via Bluetooth. The SW3 will need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network and the phone will need a data connection.

The update will also include the ability to have ‘always-on’ apps. This means apps can stay visible for as long as you need them. To save on battery, the screen will only stay in full colour whilst you are looking at it.


Other changes have been made to the launcher so that contacts/apps are only a swipe away. Notifications can now be viewed by the flick of a wrist.

apps_people_actions_250x250 (4)

Want an easy and quick way to send an emoji via message or text? Well now you will be able to draw them directly onto the watch, with Google able to recognise hundreds of different types.


Lastly, the update will also bring adjustable font sizes and pop up notifications. Overall, it seems it will be a worthwhile update. We will let you know once it starts to roll.

Via Google Blog and Sony Mobile Blog.

Thanks Ankit and Bollkalle!

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