Sony releases new ‘Modern’ watch face for SmartWatch 3, plus new ‘Watch battery’ widget

by XB on 21st October 2015

in Accessories, Applications

Sony SW3 Watch Face_2.0.A.0.13_1Sony Mobile has updated its “Watch Faces for Smartwatch 3” application to include a new watch face called ‘Modern’. The Modern watch face allows you to customise Background (blue, green, red and grey), Style (koi, waves, circles and hex), Time marker (regular, long thin, simple, bold), hands (round, highlight, simple and tip) and Accent colour. You can also toggle the date on/off.

Sony has also included a new ‘Watch battery’ widget that as the name suggests, lets you know how much battery % your watch has left. To access the new watch face and widget, download the latest Watch Faces for Smartwatch 3 update (2.0.A.0.13) and then head over to the Android Wear app to customise.

Sony SW3 Watch Face_2.0.A.0.13_1 Sony SW3 Watch Face_2.0.A.0.13_2

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