Jolla’s Sailfish OS to begin testing on Xperia X in a few weeks

by XB on 3rd July 2017

in News, Tips & Tricks

Jolla announced earlier in the year that its open operating system, Sailfish OS, would be heading to Sony Xperia devices. A port of Sailfish OS on the Xperia X was shown off at MWC in Barcelona. Jolla has given an update on the progress it is making, and confirmed that community release for the Xperia X will arrive before the end of July.

Jolla confirmed that one of biggest development challenges it has faced is the support for Android apps. Another challenge facing the team is making the installation easy enough for normal users to complete. Part of the difficulty is the fact that the Xperia X is the first 64-bit ARM device that they have run Sailfish OS on.

Jolla’s closest community development group, the Cbeta testing group, will get to test Sailfish OS 2.1.2 release for the Xperia X before the end of the month. There will then be a wider delivery to the community at some point later.

In terms of supported devices, Jolla also confirmed that right now the focus remains on the single SIM version of the Xperia X, and will look consider development of other devices later. For more details hit the source link below.

Via Jolla Blog.

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