Sony working on AI camera tech for future Xperia models

by XB on 29th May 2018

in Imaging, Rumours

As smartphones mature, it is becoming more and more difficult to differentiate on hardware alone. Arguably even the design of phones are all assimilating into something that look similar, after all once you remove all bezels from a phone, what can a manufacturer really do to make one phone look different to the rest?

Anyway, one of the buzz words from some recent flagship devices is the use of artificial intelligence, particularly an AI-powered camera. Sony could be looking to join the fray judging by a recent blog post on the team behind the Xperia XA2 Ultra’s dual selfie camera. When asked what the team are working on next, they hint of “selfie enabled AI”. While no timeline is given, there’s a strong likelihood that the main camera will also get AI technology. Is this something you would like to see? Let us know in the comments below.

Sony statement on AI camera tech

What are you working on next?

I can’t say too much, but selfie enabled AI may be on it’s way. We’re developing the next generation camera experience – it’s exciting stuff.

Thanks Diogo!

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