More Xperia arc sample pics show potential in low-light

by XB on 24th January 2011

in Imaging, Xperia arc

Xperia arc sample picsWe have already seen some sample pictures from the Sony Ericsson Xperia arc, however we came across a few more that we thought were worth sharing. The following photos by, really put the arc in impressive light, especially the ones taken in low-light conditions without flash.

The pictures were all taken on the automatic camera setting and have received no post-capture treatment. The low-light pictures used an ISO speed of 1250. By launch, the camera should be even more impressive. Check out some pictures below.

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Xperia arc sample photo

Via flickr (via

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