Xperia T firmware (7.0.A.3.195) now rolling out; adds Wi-Fi Screen Mirroring and new Small Apps

by XB on 24th October 2012

in Featured Content, Firmware, Reviews, Xperia T

That was quick. We only brought you news two days ago about new firmware being certified for the Sony Xperia T (LT30p)/TX (LT29i) and now the software has already started to roll out. The update will move your Xperia T firmware version number from 7.0.A.1.303 to 7.0.A.3.195.

It is a quite a decent update too improving performance as well as introducing some new features such as Wi-Fi Miracast Screen Mirroring, new Small Apps, the Media application icons have also been revamped. However, we noticed that the current Root methods do not work with this new firmware. Also, for some reason the Power Saver app has disappeared. See some screens from the new firmware below.

Xperia T firmware version 7.0.A.3.195

Xperia T firmware

Media icons have changed

Sony’s media icons have had a facelift, however the applications behind them remain largely the same.

Xperia T firmware

Wi-Fi Miracast Screen Mirroring now enabled

You will find new “Media server settings” under the “Wireless & networks” menu settings. This allows you to share your media content with other devices.

Xperia T firmware

The Walkman app now has an option to “Throw” music to another device using Wi-Fi Miracast.

Xperia T firmware

The same “Throw” option is also seen in the Album app. It means you can easily view your pictures to a TV. There is also an option for a SensMe slideshow.

Xperia T firmware

Several options are presented before the SensMe slideshow begins. You can change the music and theme.

Xperia T firmware

Three new ‘Small Apps’ available

Small Apps are widget-like applications that overlay the homescreen and any other application. They will sit on the top of everything until they are closed or moved to the side of the screen. Previously, the option to add Small Apps from the Play Store was not live, however it is in this update.

Xperia T firmware

Only four Small Apps were available prior to this update, however three new Small Apps are now available from the Google Play Store: Mirror, Currency Converter and Unit Converter.

Xperia T firmware

Once installed, you’ll find three new icons appear on the Small Apps ribbon, when the Recent Apps button is pressed.

Xperia T firmware

The apps are self-explanatory and actually quite useful. The currency converter provides a quick and easy way to convert currency from a wide choice. The latest FX rates are updated daily from what we can tell – since this Small App screencap was taken, it has now updated to today’s date (10/24/12).

The unit converter works for a number of unit groups including area, energy, length, mass, power, pressure, temperature, time, velocity and volume.

The mirror is quite an ingenious but simple app. It allows you to see yourself (we can’t be the only one that has tried to use the front camera to similar effect before an interview or date!) The app can be toggled between two sizes (half-screen and full-screen), it also allows you to take a picture of yourself using the camera button on the bottom left.

Xperia T firmware

App icons in notification menu

It seems that app icon thumbnails are now present in the notication screen.

Xperia T firmware

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