Sony Mobile has given an update on the Xperia S AOSP project, which was first talked about by Google’s Jean-Baptiste Queru back in August. Sony has announced that it is now taking the lead on the project as from Android 4.2 Jelly Bean onwards, the Xperia S will not remain a target device on the main AOSP branch.
However, the project will not be left to flounder as Sony will move the Xperia S AOSP project to a Sony git on GitHub. The video below shows how much the developers have achieved. A lot of things are now working including the SD-card, Wi-Fi and sensors. Internally, Sony also has the audio and modem working but the company cannot release these publicly right now due to proprietary binaries. Sony says the next major step is to get Android 4.2 Jelly Bean working on the device. As it is an open-source project, Sony is calling on developers to help. Progress is looking good and we look forward to hearing more.
Via Sony Mobile Developer Blog.