The Sony Xperia Z1 Compact sits alone in the smartphone world, by providing genuine flagship specs in a smaller form factor. The phone attracted many who railed against ever-increasing smartphone sizes and particularly against the fact it would only be these largest phones that would get the best specs. However, now that you’ve been using the Xperia Z1 Compact, how are you finding it?
Does the 4.3-inch 720p display feel limiting in any way? Would you prefer a marginally bigger phone or perhaps would you like to see the same display in a smaller form factor i.e. with less bezel? Does it feel awkward to pay pretty much flagship prices for a smaller phone, given what we’ve been used to in the past i.e. a smaller phone must be cheaper, right? Or has the Xperia Z1 Compact been a revelation and you can’t wait to buy into future models? We’d love to hear your thoughts below.