Xperia Z2 Tablet wins EISA’s European Tablet of the Year award

by XB on 15th August 2014

in Sony Tablet, Videos, Xperia Z2

EISA Xperia Z2 TabletThe Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet has followed in its predecessors footsteps by winning the EISA European Tablet of the Year award for 2014-2015. EISA (European Imaging and Sound Association) holds yearly awards for the best in consumer technology. Last year the Xperia Tablet Z, won the same award, so it’s good to see Sony dominate this category two years in a row.

If you’re wondering who won the smartphone awards, the Huawei Ascend P7 picked up the award for European Consumer Smartphone whilst the LG G3 was awarded European Advanced Smartphone. The Samsung Galaxy K Zoom was awarded the European Smartphone Camera. The full list of 2013-14 award winners can be found here.

Via Sony Mobile Blog.

Thanks Hoa!

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