Sony Mobile has begun to roll out the 1 January 2018 Android security patch to the Xperia XZ, XZs and X Performance series of handsets. This sees the models move from build number 41.3.A.2.24 to version 41.3.A.2.58. If you have updated, please let us know your impressions in the comments below.
It is not clear whether this update provides a full fix for the Spectre and Meltdown CPU vulnerabilities, as Sony’s initial statement on the issue was that this would only be covered those that were patched from “5 January 2018 or later”. We did see Sony’s Xperia XA1 series patched with 5 January security updates recently.
DOWNLOAD Xperia XZ and X Performance FTF Firmware Files – Android 8.0.0 Oreo
Xperia X Performance (F8131) 41.3.A.2.58 Russia Generic
Xperia X Performance Dual (F8132) 41.3.A.2.58 Thailand Generic
Xperia XZ (F8331) 41.3.A.2.58 Benelux Generic
Xperia XZ Dual (F8332) 41.3.A.2.58 India Generic
Thanks Jozef, Moisés, Stan, Steve, walaspancha!